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My name is Shawn Hampt and I’m from Maryland. I am a beginning woodworker (novice at best). I joined to get and share info and knowledge in working with wood and learn from others. Love all my Kreg products, especially my K5!

This past weekend I decided to build myself a simple mailbox to replace the plastic piece of junk hanging on my gate, so I got to use the brand-new pair of corner clamps that were delivered just last week. They really made the job a lot easier and since I don't even have a mounted vise at the moment I can just imagine how frustrating it would've been to try and keep those sides together while glueing and screwing them in place without the clamps!

I'm not done yet, because I still have to fit the lid and front door, but I wouldn't have been nearly as far as I am now without those clamps. They're a little sensitive and finicky to adjust, but once they're at the right setting they really do a great job!


Steven here.

I live in North Alabama and have raised two teenage boys.  I have been doing woodworking and DIY projects for over 30 years.

I also, cook, play guitar and keep salt and fresh water aquariums.

I started using pocket holes in the 80s on a jig I built for a drill press and had to use two different drill bits, but it worked.  :)

Hi everyone,

I'm in the Huntsville, AL area. I do a lot of DIY remodeling of a historic home I share with my wife, four kids, three dogs and bearded dragon. I've been working quite a bit with the Kreg jig for the past 5 years, but still a newbie!

Looking forward to the community.


HSV Alabama or Texas?

Whoops!  See it now.

Me too!


Hi folks.  I am Chris and I just retired in Ontario, Canada.  Couple hours due north of Syracuse NY.  I now have the time to try the things I always wanted to.  I bought  a Master kit after seeing what it could help me do.  So far so good.  Quality fit and finish and easy.  My hats off to members who have posted their projects, their plans and their advice.

I am looking forward to gaining the experience to become an advice giver, rather than seeker.  Keep up the good work and keep sharing!

Hey Chris welcome aboard. I find Kreg products to be extremely useful and relatively easy to use. I have built a few projects with them and that is my "go to" if I need a Jig.

Chris said:

Hi folks.  I am Chris and I just retired in Ontario, Canada.  Couple hours due north of Syracuse NY.  I now have the time to try the things I always wanted to.  I bought  a Master kit after seeing what it could help me do.  So far so good.  Quality fit and finish and easy.  My hats off to members who have posted their projects, their plans and their advice.

I am looking forward to gaining the experience to become an advice giver, rather than seeker.  Keep up the good work and keep sharing!

brinda Ashley said:

Thank you for accepting me as your friend

please i will like you to contact me through my email address at(   ) so that i can tell you more about myself and together with my photos,
Camila  Layal.

email me (

My name is Todd, live in Perth , Western Australia . Saw the pocket hole system on YouTube, so bought it and keen to get started. I do a fair bit of metal working and wood working will be mostly new to me. 

Hello. Steve and I am retired and spend a lot of time at my house in Vermont, where my shop is.  Although having built a home myself and completely rehabbing 2 200+ year old homes, I’m somewhat familiar with wood.  But I consider myself a novice at actual woodworking eg furniture.

Looking forward to building lots of furniture and projects for kids and grand kids.

Hi, my name is Ken Hunt, I am an expat from the UK now, living in the Philippines. I am a beginner to wood work, apart from what I learnt back in High School. I have been ready up on Kreg tools and what they do for you and I am impressed. So I thought very slowly I would try and start making things for the house. That is why I joined Kreg Owners Community to learn from them also. 

I have to confess though, you guys from America are lucky in that you have a great choice of tools, wood and kreg products to choose from, unlike here as its hard to find what you need, like wood that has been cut straight or is not bowed in any way. But we will see how it goes. 

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