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Hi, I'm Walt in Western NY. Been interested in woodworking almost forever. Recently retired, an looking forwrad to spending more time on it. My last project was repairing a dining room chair for my son. Little tougher than it appeared, but it came out well. My next majorv project will be converting a sideboard into a bar for my daughter. I'll be adding wne racks, glass doors and a top unit. Recently bought the Kre master system, and look forwrad to using it on this project.
My name is Tony. I consider myself an intermediate wood worker. I have used Kreg products with some success except for the micro jig. More practice needed I guess but I look forward to working with it.
Hi my name is Mike, I'm from Montana. I have done a few woodworking projects in the past but had never used pocket holes until my current project, a mobile kitchen island. It works great.
Hello my name is Eugene and I live in Middlebury IN...I've been doing woodworking since I was 10 yrs old...wasn't very good at it then, but I've always had an interest. Now that I have my KREG JIG I plan on doing things a lot more and very assuredly have them built better
I'm Roland and live in Winnipeg Mb. Canada,
I have many Kreg tools. just love to use them always looking for new project so I can use the master pocket tools,
Always looking foward for Kreg's new tools.
Hello my name is Perry and i live in Alberta Canada.I'm a heavy mechanic and do some wood work when I can.I own one Kreg jig and like how it works.I'm thinking my next purchase will be the router table.Joined the community to hopfully pick up some pointers to help me with my future projects.
Hi my name is Sue Engel. I live in Tacoma WA. i have building things since I can remember. I would help my Dad when he was building houses. I am in the process of remodeling my up stairs. I'm on here for learning as much as I can. I always have questions.
I've done woodworking for a long time but nothing too complicated. I read about the Kreg jigs in a tool catalog and decided to try it. I've never been too good at joinery and thought that this may be good for me. My first project was a coffee table for my daughter and it turned out great. I love my Kreg Jr Jig and have been checking out some other stuff including the router table. I'm a retired school principal and am a bird carver, live on Cape Cod, love playing golf, and would like to do some more serious furniture making.
H, My name is Gerry and I retired to France from the UK recently, have just purchased the Kreg 3 master class jig and looking forward to making use of it, thinking of starting with the simple workbench
Hi, my name is Phil, I retired to La Alpujarra in southern Spain, and woodwork has always been my hobby, the problem here is the price of timber! However I decided to bite the bullet, and get started again, mainly making wooden ornaments. As a result, I started getting requests for furniture and window frames, so I purchased the Master Jig, and just completed the first window frame using the Jig, and how much easier it was. I am now looking forward to making more use of it. It is a fine addition to the Kreg Router table, I already had.
Hi, I'm Aston, I'm trained Machinist, i have always loved wood working, from high school to present.
I'm presently doing remodeling work on my basement, i did all the work. from electrical to plumbing, but what really excites me, is making all my kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities, using the Kreg jig tool. I find it easy to use and it gives a very neat finish, much better than the other method. I'm looking forward, to building more interesting projects with the use of this great tool.
My name is Peter O'Boyle and I live on the Oregon coast. I remodel/restore vintage travel trailers and found the Kreg jig's because I needed to build face frames. Before I used the jig I had a hard time getting a strong joint. I'm getting ready to move into simple furniture next.

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Product Reviews

The Pocket Hole Joinery Book - Review

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