Kreg Owners' Community

ii have been using my jig for a while but lately I have noticed that the right side of my pocket holes are not cutting clean , but seemed to be frayed. dull bit ? , any sugestions ?

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Painter's Tape really did not help the fraying on birch plywood, and I tried it on both the good Baltic birch and that cheap Birch plywood from Lowe's.  I used my fastest drill and I think my drill is still sharp.

Jens Jensen said:

I don't know, but I wonder if you put painters tape on and then drill through and see  if the splinting is resolved. Just a suggestion but I have really never had it happen to my pocket holes

Well gays be it old or new cutting across the grain and the way they make ply wood now days it's just one of these things?

I guess I've just considered it a non-issue. It's along the edge of a 3/8" x 1 or so inch long trench that I gotta do something with anyway.

Who's gays?  We're talking about pocket holes in plywood.

David Dean said:

Well gays be it old or new cutting across the grain and the way they make ply wood now days it's just one of these things?

Ya Rick we are talking about pocket holes in plywood there is about 8 diffents ways this stuff is made I get my plywood from the dumpser at S&W Cabinets and they got alote of diffent plywood. Now your trun to take a shot at me? 

Rick said:

Who's gays?  We're talking about pocket holes in plywood.

David Dean said:

Well gays be it old or new cutting across the grain and the way they make ply wood now days it's just one of these things?

Naw buddie, knot a tall.  8D

Was not sure but I had a brain f--t and thought about it 

Rick said:

Painter's Tape really did not help the fraying on birch plywood, and I tried it on both the good Baltic birch and that cheap Birch plywood from Lowe's.  I used my fastest drill and I think my drill is still sharp.

Jens Jensen said:

I don't know, but I wonder if you put painters tape on and then drill through and see  if the splinting is resolved. Just a suggestion but I have really never had it happen to my pocket holes

It's normal and based on the grain of the wood. Use a sharp chisel to cut off the frayed ends if necessary. It's not the sharpness of the bit. They will do this new out of the box.

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