Kreg Owners' Community

My first project is complete. It's an outside deck box. It's not perfect but it looks great and I learned alot. Thanks a bunch to this forum.

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Very rustic, great work!

I was looking for rustic look since it was outside. It's not perfect but enjoyed doing the project. I am hooked and looking forward to next project.


If you want to clean it up, and bring out the wood tone and grain,

use a power washer.

I found some old weathered looking items, cleaned them up with a power washer and refinished them---

they turned out looking great. 

Many loose joints in those old pieces, can be tightened up & reinforced, using the Kreg Jig and joinery system.

Mike , I like the rustic and country look , and never say it is not perfect , beautiful is in the eye of the  person making the project , I think you did a great job on your first project !!!!!  I do not do a lot of big projects , and most of my projects are my own design , as people bring me a picture of what they want and we go from there, so all I can say is that you keep building and show your projects here and enjoy what most wood workers  are looking for  in life ,  and that is making great projects and making people very happy !!!!  keep up the good wok and most Important be safe in your wood working , have fun and make saw dust , JIM !!!

Thanks for all the encouragement. Next up is garage cabinet with doors. I have read kreg booklet on cabinets and some you tube videos. Any other suggestions before I begin.

Plan your work, before executing your plan.

Mike, Kreg  has a nice video and plans on this site for wall cabinets,not sure if you are building ,floor or wall mount !!! Just remember to measure twice and cut once , take your time and have fun !!!!

I think the box looks great. Love the rustic look for outdoors. One advantage is that you don't have to worry about how the weather will affect the finish. You did a great job and, as you said, you learned a lot. That makes it perfect. Keep it up!

We do offer lots of information about building cabinets. Ken is right (as always) by saying plan before you build. You have a couple of choices: You can size the overall cabinet first, and then size all doors, etc. to fit. Or you can decide how big you need the doors to be, and then size the cabinet around those--this is a bit harder.


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