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has anyone built a cabinet for a drop in stove and oven

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Gary over the years I have build many kitchen cabinet sets and several of them have had oven and cook top style drop in, some being seperate units . Many have been drop in oven and stove units that are single pieces. They are pretty much forward depending on what you have will depend on how the cabinet is built.  The big thing to always to be sure you have a bottom that will support the weight of the oven and stove.  Another thing to consider would be making sure you have built a cabinet that will allow some air circulation around the oven. Even though they say zero clearence on some I never trust that.  I build them so that there is at least 2'' clearence around the oven on all sides thus allowing air to move about the oven.  You can not be too careful when trapping air in to any confined area where it can become super heated and result in a fire.  With the stove and  oven, there should be some figures on cabinet sizes needed and remember these are usually recommended minimum figures.  As a rule of thumb most standard ovens and stoves is 30 inches so if that is the case I build the cabinet 34 inside measurements and fill in the extra with wide stiles.  That way you have an extra margin of safety and who knows you might enjoy having that extra space if you have to replace the oven later down the road.   The only other difficulties in building the cabinet is to be sure to build it so that any electric or gas hook ups is planned into the build.  On a gas unit I suggest in making  some provision in the building of it so there there is a method of getting to the gas shut off by making an access panel the the inter wall of the cabinet next to the gas shut off.  This gives you a added safety in case of a fire or a gas leak in the oven and or the stove.  Ouestion ??? please feel free to contact for more.

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