Kreg Owners' Community


I've never done anything like this before. I'm building a chicken coop with run and thought I read around enough to have a solid plan before starting the work. I considered getting the Kreg HD for extra peace of mind, but got the impression that even the standard screws will do an excellent job so saved some money going that route.

Whiles assembling the frame, I discovered that keeping the edges clamped was actually more difficult that I thought. Some joins just didn't feel like they were flush and screwing them together didn't always completely close the gap. the bevel on the 2x4's also didn't help.

Here's what I'm using to design and plan:

I designed it similar to this:

So, its 4 frames joined at the corners, with an additional frame for the coop wall resting on some supports. For every join I used 2x 2.5" bluekote screws. When I was putting the inside frame up, one of the support legs started to come loose. So I just screwed them to the outer frames hoping this will be enough. But now I am concerned about the whole structure.

This is the inside frame:

Now I'm worried that this size frame is just too big to be held by only 2 screws top and bottom. The studs are 4 feet apart as they will be covered with just hardware cloth, but the entire structure will have to hold up a metal roof. 

Am I just overreacting here? After all, this design seems to have worked for the guys above.

Would adding more studs reducing the gap from 4 feet to 2 feet make a difference?

Or maybe using hardware to secure the stud joints like they have above?

Views: 1918

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