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Im looking for some plans.  More so, im looking for the plans that make this one:

any idea?

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Type "changing table" (without the quotes) in the search box in the upper right of this page. I don't know if that specific table and plans are on this site but there are a good number of changing tables here. I think many of the people on this site work from concepts and sketches to fill a specific space. Looking at the table you referenced, I would find the dimensions of the pad and go from there.

Thanks,RE i'll give that a shot

Russ - I made a changing table for my first grandson and originally was looking for plans similar to what you've shown here.  After some thought about the changing table I had when my daughters were born, I chose instead to make a piece that would last their lifetime, not just a novelty for the first year of their lives (after all, most of the time their diapers, cloth by the way, were changed where ever they were).  I made it tall enough (counter-height) to be comfortable, with drawers on one side and adjustable shelves on the other.  Grandson is now 15 months old, and the dresser holds clothes, toys and books.  Just a thought - whatever you do, enjoy making something very special for a very special little one!  Joan

I built this:

Go to my page and you can see how it looks. (its the only pictures i've posted)  It took my a long time to make and i'm guessing you've probably already started something but i'm planning on repurposing into of all things a kitchen island.  This thing is a beast.  I did not build the drawers that the plan suggested opting for a cubby hole that has an LED fixture in it for a night light.  It'll handle a mini-fridge and mircowave too. 


that lowes links is broken.  Can you plz repost the link?

Yeah I tried that too. Google search "lowes changing table plans" and download the pdf. Sorry I thought that link would work... Even if you don't build the drawers it'll take you a moderate amount of time to build. I've had multiple others come to me to see if I could make them one but time isn't on my side for what ultimately would be a 2nd job.

Awesome! found it. thanks Larry

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