Standard fridge height

Is there a industry standard to fridge height? Planning out cabinets and would like to use the space over my fridge too, but would like to make sure I am not screwing myself in the future when I replace the fridge with a new one....


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    Jay Boutwell

    To add to this if you pocket the screw the bottom into the sides from the bottom it is easy to remove the screws and they are hidden fro view by the installed frig.  Once you get the bottom back into position simply use a hand saw and cut the unused face frame stiles off flush with the bottom of the face frame rail.  Use a hand saw and cut the extra length unused portion of the cabinet sides off and for the very rear where you can't get room to move the saw back and forth simply use a air grinder with a wood rasp type bit and or use a sharp chisel and a forsener bit to remove the remaining wood.  In using the frostner bit drill it toward the adjoining cabinet and be careful not to over drill.  Making a series of cuts with the forsner bit rim against the bottom of the cabinet, you will have very little to remove with a chisel.  Once it is removed wipe on some stain and you are done.  Sounds more complicated that it really is but is a standard method I do anymore when building cabinets over a refrig.   

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    There is no specific industry standard for fridge height, as refrigerator sizes can vary widely between manufacturers and models. However, there are some common height ranges for refrigerators that you can use as a general guideline when planning your cabinet layout.

    Standard height ranges for refrigerators include:

    Top freezer models: 65 to 69 inches
    Bottom freezer models: 67 to 70 inches
    Side-by-side models: 67 to 70 inches
    French door models: 68 to 70 inches
    It's a good idea to measure your current refrigeration and the space you have available above it to ensure that any cabinets you install will accommodate your current appliance. Additionally, leaving a little extra clearance above the fridge can help ensure that you'll have enough space for any future models you might purchase.

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    Hey there! When it comes to fridge height, there isn't a strict industry standard, but there are common dimensions manufacturers tend to follow. However, it's always a bit of a bet when planning for future appliance replacements. Generally, refrigerators can vary in height depending on factors like style and brand. It's wise to leave some extra space above your current fridge to accommodate potential size differences in the future. Good luck with your cabinet planning!